Thursday, May 22, 2008


from Paul Politis

I found this picture when looking for pictures for this post.

I think its absolutely beautiful !!!

I do work for this same organization (pictured), but as a small cog of the wheel that makes the pointy end work. There are days I loose sight of my contributions ( past & present), but when I see a picture like this......


I was working with someone today , who isn't a friend or even a close colleague, but I was doing a follow-up to an assessment report.

As this person was talking , I had a chance to really deeply look into their face and to listen.

Dark circles and other signs of fatigue .... really not healthy looking.

I wanted to ask questions, especially as this person has been really receptive to what I've done & the info I've given them to date. I am getting a better idea of the group this person is working for, etc.......

But I didn't , given what I have on my plate and my current mandate.

But it did strike me. Hard

Gonna think on this one a bit more


Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing it.

Dr.John said...

The poor person may just be tired and need some time off.

MedStudentWife said...

NP : You are very welcome :)

dr. john: knowing the organization this person works, that was most definitely the first thing on my mind - but they are a driven lot: work long hours and travel (fly) overseas a lot

Anonymous said...

I know that look I have had it..great picture...

MYM said...

Great photo ... lots can be read from that face.

MedStudentWife said...

Thank you Crusty & Drowsey. He does have quite an interesting look.

Check out the tat - looks kwel.