Sunday, September 9, 2007

Morning All

Yummyyyyyyy... goood, morning coffee :D

Fidel is home, for now. He makes the best coffee in the world, and made a pot of our favourite brown liquid beverage ( to quote Chopper McKinnon) this morning.

Now he has shown me how to make the proper brew (the coffee quantity equation for the coffee maker I picked up 4 months ago), he maintains its my job to make the coffee in the morning. Yeah, right. I've decided that he's the "morning coffee maker guy" in these here parts.

It sure is nice to have a man (and my sweetie) around the house for a change.

Unlimited hugs - YEAH !!!!!

Hehehehehee... He got in late-ish last night. As we were sitting around, having a bite to eat at home, I asked him last night if he wanted the "job jar now or wait til tomorrow morning ?"

I am sooooooo evil ( see bottom of blog page)

We're going to take the day easy. Brekkie out and then I'll take him for a walk around the Market area of Paradise. He's only been in this neck of the woods twice & its either been winter, or way too early spring to walk about without being acclimatized.

Yikes - my holidays in the alternate Paradise already seems so far away, what with everything that has gone on in les than two weeks. I'm still planning to blog those adventures and pictures. But it may be a bit more ti,e before I do. Lots going on here at the moment.


deathsweep said...

Hope you two enjoy the day!

MedStudentWife said...

We did DS. And I made the nest ribs ever - a recipe I found in a cook book I ought when I lived in Kingston.

I wonder if they would mind me posting it on the blog ?